السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أخر الاخبار من WAZZUB
صرف المستحقات الشهريه فى موعدها.
أول مرتب يصرف فى موعده فى 15 مايو2012
ساعات قليله ونصل الى 6 مليون عضوا" ويقفل الباب إستجابه للتصويت الذى أجرته الشركه أمس.
فور وصول العدد الى 6 مليون عضوا" إبدأ فورا فى جعل صفحتك الرئيسيه هى WAZZUB وذلك كما شرح فى تقريرى السابق
آخر الاخبار من WAZZUB هنا:
Dear Family Members,
On April/09/12 it was posted here that Members voted to stay open for 24-36 hours or until we reached 6,000,000 members. So, many members MISUNDERSTOOD and have been advertising all over the Internet that WAZZUB will stay open until we REACH 6,000,000 members. We keep our "promise" WAZZUB will stay open until member 6 Million. Then, it will be a down time for at least 6 hours. It could be more or it could be less, depending on the test results. Then the "Perfect Internet" page and new signup procedure will be online as well as the old P.S.P. Back office.
NOTE: This will NOT affect anything. The 1st. PAY DAY is still scheduled to be on May/15/2012